Antiepileptic Drugs, 5th Edition


General Principles

Chaper 1. Principles of Antiepileptic Drug Action

Chaper 2. Neurophysiologic Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs

Chaper 3. Discovery and Preclinical Development of Antiepileptic Drugs

Chaper 4. New Antiepileptic Drug Development: Medical Perspective

Chaper 5. Clinical Development of Antiepileptic Drugs: Industry Perspective

Chaper 6. The Development of Antiepileptic Drugs: Regulatory Perspective

Chaper 7. Antiepileptic Drug Monotherapy in Adults: Selection and Use in New-Onset Epilepsy

Chaper 8. Combination Therapy and Drug Interactions

Chaper 9. Laboratory Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs

Chaper 10. Safety Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs

Chaper 11. Use of Antiepileptic Drugs in Children

Chaper 12. Antiepileptic Drug Use in Women

Chaper 13. Epilepsy in the Elderly

Chaper 14. Treatment of Status Epilepticus

Chaper 15. Prevention of Epileptogenesis


Chaper 16. Mechanisms of Action

Chaper 17. Chemistry, Biotransformation, and Pharmacokinetics

Chaper 18. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Epilepsy

Chaper 19. Adverse Effects


Chaper 20. Mechanisms of Action

Chaper 21. Chemistry, Biotransformation, and Pharmacokinetics

Chaper 22. Interactions with Other Drugs

Chaper 23. Clinical Efficacy and USE in Epilepsy

Chaper 24. Clinical Efficacy and USE in Other Neurologic Disorders

Chaper 25. Clinical Efficacy and USE in Psychiatric Disorders

Chaper 26. Adverse Effects


Chaper 27. Felbamate



Chaper 28. Mechanisms of Action

Chaper 29. Chemistry, Biotransformation, Pharmacokinetics, and Interactions

Chaper 30. Clinical Use

Chaper 31. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Other Neurological Disorders

Chaper 32. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Psychiatric Disorders

Chaper 33. Adverse Effects


Chaper 34. Mechanisms of Action

Chaper 35. Chemistry, Biotransformation, and Pharmacokinetics

Chaper 36. Interaction with Other Drugs

Chaper 37. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Epilepsy

Chaper 38. Efficacy and Use in Psychiatric Disorders

Chaper 39. Adverse Effects


Chaper 40. Mechanisms of Action

Chaper 41. Chemistry, Biotransformation, Pharmacokinetics, and Drug Interactions

Chaper 42. Clinical Use

Chaper 43. Adverse Experiences


Chaper 44. Mechanisms of Action

Chaper 45. Chemistry, Biotransformation, and Pharmacokinetics

Chaper 46. Interactions with Other Drugs

Chaper 47. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Epilepsy

Chaper 48. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Psychiatric Disorders

Chaper 49. Adverse Effects

Phenobarbital and Other Barbiturates

Chaper 50. Mechanisms of Action

Chaper 51. Chemistry, Biotransformation, and Pharmacokinetics

Chaper 52. Interactions With Other Drugs

Chaper 53. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Epilepsy

Chaper 54. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Nonepileptic Disorders

Chaper 55. Adverse Effects

Chaper 56. Methylphenobarbital

Phenytoin and Other Hydantoins

Chaper 57. Mechanisms of Action

Chaper 58. Chemistry and Biotransformation

Chaper 59. Interactions with Other Drugs

Chaper 60. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Epilepsy

Chaper 61. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Other Neurological Disorders

Chaper 62. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Psychiatric Disorders

Chaper 63. Adverse Effects

Chaper 64. Fosphenytoin


Chaper 65. Primidone


Chaper 66. Mechanisms of Action

Chaper 67. Ethosuximide: Chemistry, Biotransformation, Pharmacokinetics, and Drug Interactions

Chaper 68. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Epilepsy

Chaper 69. Adverse Effects

Chaper 70. Methsuximide


Chaper 71. Mechanisms of Action

Chaper 72. Chemistry, Biotransformation, and Pharmacokinetics

Chaper 73. Drug Interactions

Chaper 74. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Epilepsy

Chaper 75. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Nonepileptic Disorders

Chaper 76. Adverse Effects


Chaper 77. Mechanisms of Action

Chaper 78. Chemistry, Biotransformation, and Pharmacokinetics

Chaper 79. Drug Interactions

Chaper 80. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Epilepsy

Chaper 81. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Nonepileptic Disorders

Chaper 82. Adverse Effects

Valproic Acid

Chaper 83. Mechanisms of Action

Chaper 84. Chemistry, Biotransformation, and Pharmacokinetics

Chaper 85. Drug Interactions

Chaper 86. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Epilepsy

Chaper 87. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Other Neurological Disorders

Chaper 88. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Psychiatric Disorders

Chaper 89. Adverse Effects


Chaper 90. Vigabatrin


Chaper 91. Mechanisms of Action

Chaper 92. Chemistry, Biotransformation, and Pharmacokinetics

Chaper 93. Drug Interactions

Chaper 94. Clinical Efficacy and Use in Epilepsy

Chaper 95. Adverse Effects

Drugs in Development

Chaper 96. Pregabalin

Chaper 97. Rufinamide

Chaper 98. Drugs in Early Clinical Development

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